
These Days I’m a Judeo-Pessimist

by YeshayaLast Updated on November 28th 2022 1:09am

Some day, maybe not too long from now the way things are going, there won’t be any more Jews in America.

Maybe there will be a few left, small enclaves of stubborn survivors, with the understanding that they will most likely not keep surviving for long—and maybe even that will not be permitted. Hopefully most of us will have found someplace to go first.

And Americans are going to stand amidst the carnage shaking their heads, asking “how could it have happened here?“

Maybe some of them ask “how could we let it happen?“

And, of course, all but a few will ask, discreetly, “whom can we blame?“

And they’ll find someone. Maybe Trump, or whatever scum floats to the top after, in the inevitability of time, he exits the political stage. Maybe, if they’re especially deluded and racist, they’ll blame Kanye West, or Louis Farrakhan, or someone else with a big mouth but without the power to decide who does or doesn’t get to be here.

But the real reason is that even those Gentiles, our friends, who truly have no desire to drive us out and murder us, don’t believe that it can happen. Deep down, they believe that we are too powerful to really be in danger. They believe that we are the landlords, the executives, the powerful special interests. That we call the shots and can’t really be touched. Deep down they believe the most dangerous antisemitic lie of all—that antisemitism is our own hyperbolic invention, our own tool. Maybe a little dislike for Jews here and there, sure; but an ancient system of oppression? No, no. We are not the oppressed.

As you read this, do you believe me?

So this country will be added to the list of 109, the one the Nazis these days like to throw around. And then America can sort out its problems, without the interference from this foreign element in the body of the nation, those strange people that don’t fit into any convenient boxes. I really hope that this story ends well, with justice and freedom for all…

This post is titled “these days I’m a Judeo-Pessimist,” yet I know that we will outlive America. When the United States is just a memory, like Babylon, like Rome—we’ll still be around, aliens wherever we’re at, arguing about stuff no one else cares about or understands, getting kicked out of places…